Episode 40: The Doubters Memorable Moments of 2020

I would like to take this opportunity to send you my very best wishes for this festive season with this pre-recorded episode reflecting upon THE DOUBTERS MEMORABLE MOMENTS OF 2020

We kicked off on 5th March and by the following week, it felt like a very different world with the impact of COVID-19. Throughout this time, I have delivered weekly live sessions for all but three weeks. This is an achievement of ‘showing up’ for which I’m extremely proud of myself!

This selection of clips and reflections tells a story of my experience and learning throughout the year and clarifies the principles I’m going to be grounding upon for the future of this community:

  • Supporting us to meet ourselves in the dark moments of self-doubt, so that we don’t need to turn away from ourselves but can grow through these moments with courage and strength instead.
  • Operating from a place of knowing that we are enough, just as we are. We don’t need to waste energy forcing our way through life to prove ourselves but, instead, we can use self-doubt to consider our boundaries and routes to growth. 

The clips include:

Jenny Blake on 2nd April talking about how our intentions for 2020 are still intact.

Krish Surroy on 2nd July who brings some wonderful hope for what this pandemic has given us.

Joya Georgewill on 30th October where we reflected upon the impact of the murder of George Floyd. (This conversation caused me to reflect upon my equity and inclusion principles, exposed my bias, and helped clarify my commitment for the way forward.)

Dara Blumenthal on 7th May offering words that stayed with me and helped me to face the challenges of the year and connect with my inner strength. 

Michael Leckie on 16th April who talks about being enough! 

And finishing with an unseen piece from Jenny Blake’s husband, Michael Karsouny, who joined me in June to talk about procrastination. In this clip he shares ‘a procrastinator’s guide to getting the household chores done!”

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